How to Create Sitemap For Blog in Blogger : Add Sitemap to Blogger


What is Sitemap?

A sitemap may be a file where you provide information about the pages, videos, and other files on your site, and therefore the relationships between them. 


Why you need a Sitemap?

A sitemap helps Search engines like Google, Bing, etc read this file to more intelligently crawl your site. a sitemap helps search engines to discover the pages of your website/blog. It gives the search engines your site pages URL and map of your website.

How to Check Sitemap of Your Website/Blog?

Go to the search box or and type this

yourwebsite/sitemap.xml. you will find your website pages URLs with time when you updated it last.

How to Create Sitemap for Website/Blog?

First of all, go to and search for a sitemap for blogger or As shown in the image paste your website or blog URL and tap on generate a sitemap. Copy that entire code.

How to Add Sitemap to Blogger?

Go to Setting and then Crawlers and indexing section. Under the Crawlers and indexing section, you can find custom robots.txt. Click on that and paste code there and save it.

How to Add Sitemap to google search console?

Go to the sitemap on the left side of the google search console webpage, in search box type this yourwebsite/sitemap.xml, and submit it. 

Here You Go :)

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